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Regulament Server

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Regulament Server Empty Regulament Server

Mesaj Scris de Porky Mier Dec 30, 2009 3:37 am

1. Staff Members.

1.1 Atitudinea necorespunzatoare / BL / lipsa de respect catre oricare membru al echipei de admini este strict interzisa.

Pedeapsa: banchat / disconnect, respectiv ban sau ban ip in cazuri extreme.

1.2 Orice amenintari catre orice membru al echipei de admini strict interzise.

Pedeapsa: delete account, si ban IP in cazuri extreme.

1.3 Aveti obligatia de a colabora cu adminii, de a arata iteme daca
acest lucru va este cerut, si in general in orice situatie. Adminii nu
va vor cere niciodata parola contului.

1.4 Sunteti obligati sa va opriti din orice actiune ostila
impotriva altor jucatori atunci cand un GM apare in apropierea voastra.
In mod special atunci cand actiunea este dirijata catre cel care a
chemat GM-ul.

Pedeapsa: ban 3 zile.

1.5 Nu aveti voie sa mintiti membrii echipei de admini.

Pedeapsa: ban de la 7 zile la o luna.

1.6 Este interzis sa va dati drept membri ai Staff-ului, prieteni sau cunostinte ale celor care fac parte din Staff.

Pedeapsa: suspend 10 zile, sau cont sters in cazuri extreme.

1.7 Cand sunteti nemultumiti de comportamentul sau decizia unui GM
aveti obligatia de a discuta problema cu GM-ul respectiv pt incercarea
unei solutionari iar mai apoi, in cazul in care continuati sa fiti
nemultumiti puteti formula o plangere la

Prin membrii echipei ne referim la toti Administratorii si la toti Game
Masterii (GM-ii) serverului. Aceste reguli se aplica peste tot,
inclusiv pe joc, pe forum, pe server-ul de IRC si in e-mailurile
trimise noua.

2. Party

nu este obligatoriu.

2.1 Party full e considerat un party format din 4 sau 5
playeri.Cererea de party trebuie sa sune ceva de genul : "imi poti da
si mie party te rog?" .. imi poti da si mie party? am si eu loc in
party? .. nicidecum "PT", "party ma?" .. "pt plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" .. "da
ma party". Cererea de party se face pe un ton jovial , nicidecum pe
unul imperativ .Daca nu veti cere party politicos,pm-ul aeste
indreptatit sa va refuze dreptul de a intra-n party

2.2 KS (kill pe spot) la party (minim 2 playeri in party) interzis

2.3 Regula TAKE (preluarea unui spot de catre un party.)

-Take se poate face in momentul cand sunteti intr-un party cu un
nr. superior de membri decat numarul de membri din party existent pe

-La party full (4/5 membri) nu se poate face TAKE cu conditia ca toti membri party-ului sa se afle pe spot.

2.4 In cazul in care un jucator sau party incomplet refuza sa
plece, face ks, stationeaza sau face pk pe un spot ocupat de un party,
jucatorul sau intreg party-ul va primi ban

2.5 In cazul unui KS/take ilegal (party full/incomplet face ks/take
unui party cu nr egal sau superior de membri) vor fi pedepsiti toti
membrii party-ului care a gresit.

2.6 In cazul tarcurilor din arena, toti jucatorii din party trebuie
sa fie prezenti in incinta tarcului. In cazul spoturilor de pe alte
harti, componenta party-ului trebuie sa fie prezenta pe spot, si
vizibila in print.

2.7 Actiunea de PK, este interzisa asupra unui party full care
ataca pe un spot (in toate mapele) .Pk-ul atrage o sanctiune cu ban de
3 zile . (printul cu pk asupra unui pt full care ataca pe spot trebuie
sa aiba activat self defence)

Pentru reclamatii KS/stationare trebuie facut un print cu party-ul
pe spot, si minim 3 printuri suplimentare cu 3 minute de ks/stationare
. Printurile pentru KS/stationare pot fi facute doar dupa ce ati
avertizat jucatorul/jucatorii sa se opreasca din KS sau sa paraseasca
spotul. Atentie, perioada de stationare decurge DOAR din momentul in
care i se spune (leave spot, Print 1.... ) jucatorului sau party-ului
sa plece.

2.8 PK Interzis ( Arena Lorencia Noria Davias )
PK este permis in losttower1, dungeon , aida , tarkan ,

2.9 Orice actiune menita sa deranjeze un party on (Ks/Pk/moveing
players) va fi sanctionat. Pentru reclamatii, oricare membru al
partyului on poate sa faca printuri, si sa le posteze.

2.10 PK este interzis la event Crywolf, Kanturu, Kalima (Kundum)

3. KS/PK Golden

3.1 Cel care ajunge primul la golden castiga dreptul asupra
acestuia. Pierde acest drept doar in cazul in care este omorat de
golden/alt mob in timp ce il ataca.

3.2 Un jucator (party) nu poate ataca mai multi goldeni simultan.
Daca un jucator trage in mai multi goldeni in acelasi timp si apare alt
jucator, el este obligat sa renunte la area attack si sa se concentreze
asupra unui singur golden.

3.3 Trebuie facute cel putin 2 printuri: 1) cand gasiti goldenul 2)
cand vi se face ks/pk sau sunteti furat. Fara aceste printuri
reclamatia nu este luata in considerare.

4. Scammeri/Santaj

4.1 Orice incercare de a insela un jucator prin trade va fi sanctionata.

4.2 Este strict interzis santajul de orice fel.

4.3 Pentru a putea dovedi acest lucru aveti nevoie de printuri cu tradeul si discutia de negociere a pretului.

5. Cheating

5.1 Este interzisa folosirea oricarui tip de aplicatie de tip hack/cheat.

5.2 Cei care sunt prinsi folosind un astfel de program vor avea contul sters si ban pe IP.

5.3 NU se accepta explotarea bug-urilor jocului! Cu sau fara programe ajutatoare (hackuri) exploatarea unui bug este ILEGALA!

6. Reclama

6.1 Publicitate/reclama la alte servere (de MU si nu numai) in joc duce instant la: filtrarea adresei/clasei IP.

7. Regula AFK

7.1 Nu este permis AFK !

7.2 Un party full, dar AFK pierde orice drept asupra spotului, daca acesta este revendicat de alt party full, dar ON.

7.3 Party full, dar AFK inseamna ca absolut toti din cei 4/5 jucatori aflati in party sunt afk.

7.4 In cazul in care un party full si ON vrea sa revendice un spot
ocupat de un party full, dar AFK, sunt nevoiti sa cheme un GM pe spot
si sa ceara disconnect la cei AFK. Daca niciunul dintre membrii
party-ului AFK nu raspunde in decurs de 10 minute, GM-ul le poate da

7.5 In cazul in care nici un admin nu este online, atunci PM-ul sau
oricare alt membru al partyului ON care vrea sa revendice spotul are
obligatia de a face screenuri: 1 - cand vin pe spot si intreaba daca
party-ul este afk, 2 - la 5 min dupa primul print cu F4 maxim in care
sa se vada cum au continuat sa intrebe si nimeni nu a raspuns, 3 -
print singuri pe spot dupa ce acesta a fost eliberat prin pk sau
mutarea party-ului afk. Daca partyul afk revine dupa o perioada, acesta
nu mai are niciun drept asupra spotului.

7.6 Un party nu poate sa detina mai multe spoturi trebuie sa se concentreze asupra unui singur spot.

Pm-ul unui party trebui sa stea ON , atata timp cat party-ul lui ocupa un spot de pe pe oricare din mape.

8. Limbaj inadecvat (BL)

8.1 In cazul BL (Limbaj inadecvat) se aplica regula bunului simt,
BL-ul fiind interzis si sanctionat prin ban sub orice forma, chiar si
prescurtata ( printurile necesita F4 la maxim )

Reclamatia cu BL o poate face de oricine atat timp cat respecta regulile de postare.

8.2 Insulta la adresa unui admin/gm se pedepseste cu banarea
intregului cont pe o perioada nedefinita de timp indiferent daca e
facuta pe messager/mIRC/forum/pm forum, etc.

9. Reclamatii

9.1 Nu se iau in considerare printurile mai vechi de 24h.

9.2 Reclamatiile facute cu rea intentie, dorind a induce GM/Adminul in eroare se pedepseste cu 7 zile de ban.


Pentru incalcarea regulilor mentionate in acest regulament, jucatorii vor fi sanctionati dupa cum urmeaza:

prima abatere: ban 3 zile

a doua abatere: ban 7 zile

a treia abatere: ban 10 zile

a patra abatere: ban 15 zile

a cincea abatere: unlimited

PS: pentru cererea printurilor incriminatoare, prin care se dovedeste corectitudinea banului : dublarea banului


Pedepsele mentionate in regulament sunt pedepsele MINIME pentru
ofensele mentionate. Adminii pot mari pedeapsa daca vor considera
necesar acest lucru. Un ban unlimited, este un ban pe o perioada
nedefinita. Acest ban poate fi sau nu poate fi scos.

In orice alta situatie neprevazuta aici, staff-ul are intotdeauna
ultimul cuvant. Nu raspundem de itemele furate si conturile "sparte" ,
responsabilitatea dvs fiind sa pastrati confidentialitatea contului ,
respectiv parola si user

Ultima editare efectuata de catre StifleR in Dum Mar 14, 2010 7:26 am, editata de 3 ori


Nume Real : Robert
Nume SRV : Kinder
Sex : masculin
Zodiac : Leu
Mesaje : 154
Puncte : 245
Reputatie : 3
Data nasterii : 26/07/1991
Data de inscriere : 30/12/2009
Varsta : 32
Localizare : Craiova

Sus In jos

Regulament Server Empty Re: Regulament Server

Mesaj Scris de Porky Mier Dec 30, 2009 3:39 am


1. Staff Members

1.1. Disrespectful attitude / BL towards any of the Staff Members is forbidden;

Punishment: ban ranging from a simple kick to permanent and IP ban in extreme cases

1.2. Any threats made to a Staff Member are forbidden;

Punishment: account deletion and IP ban in extreme cases

1.3 You have the obligation to collaborate with admins, to show items
if you are asked to do it, and to generally answer in any situation.
GMs will never ask you for your password.

1.4. You must stop any hostile actions against other players when a
GM appears near you, especially if your hostility is aimed at the
person(s) who called the GM;

Punishment: ban for 3 days

1.5. It is forbidden to lie to Staff Members;

Punishment: ban ranging from 1 week to 1 month

1.6 It is forbidden to say you are Staff Members, or friends/relatives of the Staff Members.

Punishment: ban ranging from 10 days to acc deletion in extreme cases.

1.7 If you are disappointed with the behaviour or with the decision
of a certain GM you have the obligation to discuss the problem with
that GM, and if you are unable to solve it and you still feel the GM
did a wrong thing, you can make a complaint to regarding that GM.

Staff members means all Administrators (Admins) and Game Masters (GMs).

These rules apply anywhere, including in the game, on the irc server
(channels and private messages), on the forums and in e-mails sent to

2. KS/stationing on a spot occupied by a full party.

2.1 A party full is a party formed by 4/5 players. A
party request has to look like "Can you give me party, please", "Cand I
have party, pls", not "PT", "party me now", "party
plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz". A party request has to be formed with good
manner, never in as an order. If you don't ask for party nicely, the PM
is free to deny your request.

2.2 A player can shoot alone on a spot as long as he doesn’t KS a full party by doing this.

2.3 It’s not considered KS if a player or an incomplete party comes and shoots over another player or another incomplete party.

2.4 A player or an incomplete party have the obligation to leave the spot if the spot is being occupied by a full party.

2.5 If a player or an incomplete party refuses to leave / PKs /
stations on a spot occupied by a full party, he or the whole incomplete
party will be banned.

2.6 In the case of an illegal take (party full/incomplete makes
ks/take to another party full) the whole party who was wrong will be

2.7 In arena, at the cages, everyone in the party must be present
inside the cage. On other maps, the party must be ON SPOT and visible
in the print.

2.8 PK (Player Killing) is not allowed on any spot where a player
is attacking monsters on any map, and will be sanctioned with 3 days
ban (in the print containing the PK, Self-Defence has to be actie).

2.9The rule does not protect the players outlaw lvl2, even if there is a spot in full party

3. PK/KS Golden

3.1 The first player who gets to the golden mob deserves the right to
have it. He only loses this right if the golden mob, or any other mob
kills him while he’s fighting.

3.2 A player (a party) can’t attack 2 or more goldens at the same
time. If a player attacks 2 or more goldens, and another player
appears, the first player has to concentrate on only one golden mob,
and he’s not allowed to shoot using any area attack.

3.3 You have to make at least 2 prints: 1) when you find the golden
and you are alone with it and 2) when somebody else comes and KS/PKs
you, or your BOK is stolen. Without these prints the complaint isn’t
taken in consideration.

4. Scammers/Black mail

4.1 Any attempt to trick a player through trade will be punished.

4.2 Any kind of blackmailing is strictly forbidden.

4.3 In order to prove an attempt of blackmailing or scam you will
need prints with the trade and the discussion between the scammer and

5. Cheating

5.1 The use of any type of hack/cheat application is forbidden.

5.2 People who are caught using this type of application will have their account deleted and IP banned.

5.3 It is forbidden to exploit game bugs with or without the help of other hack/cheat applications.

6. Advertising

6.1 Advertising other game servers leads to instant IP/IP class filtering.

7. AFK (Away From Keyboard) Rule

7.1 AFK is not allowed.

7.2 Any full party AFK loses all rights to the spot if another full party ON claims the spot.

7.3 Full party AFK means that ALL members of that party are AFK.

7.4 In case a party full ON wants to claim the spot of a party full
AFK they must call a GM to the spot to disconnect the AFK party. If
none of the AFK party members answers in 5 min the GM can disconnect

7.5 In case no GM is online, the PM or any other party member has
the obligation to take print screens as follows: 1 – when the full
party ON comes to the spot and asks the full party on the spot if they
are AFK, 2 – 5 minutes after the first print, with F4 maximized,
showing that they continued to ask and nobody answered, 3 – print alone
on spot after the AFK party has been PK-ed or moved. If the AFK party
comes back afterwards, they have no right to the spot.

7.6 If you don’t have a full party when attempting to claim the spot you will be punished.

8. Bad Language (BL)

8.1 In case of BL, common sense rules apply. BL is forbidden and
sanctioned under any circumstance, even when using acronyms ( prints
must be made with F4 on all the screen. )

8.2 Insult admin/gm will be punished with all acount banned unlimited no matter if is made on messager/mIRC/forum/pm forum, etc.

9. Complains

9.1 We wont take in consideration printscreens older that 24h

9.2 Complains made with awrongfull will to induce a GM/Admin into error will be punished with 7 days of ban


Players will be sanctioned for breaking the rules stated here as follows:

1st mistake: 3 days ban

2nd mistake: 7 days ban

3rd mistake: 10 days ban

4th mistake: 15 days ban

5th mistake: unlimited

PS: requesting the prints for the ban, that prove the ban to be fair leads to double ban.


All the penalties mentioned in these rules are the MINIMUM
penalties, and they can and will be harsher if the admins consider it

An unlimited ban is a ban for an undefined period of time. The account may or may not be unbanned.

In any other situation not in the current set of rules, game masters always have the final word.

We do not take responsibility for stolen items, “hacked” accounts,
you have a responsibility to keep the confidentiality of you account
login and password.


Nume Real : Robert
Nume SRV : Kinder
Sex : masculin
Zodiac : Leu
Mesaje : 154
Puncte : 245
Reputatie : 3
Data nasterii : 26/07/1991
Data de inscriere : 30/12/2009
Varsta : 32
Localizare : Craiova

Sus In jos


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